The Internet

Morgan Bates
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


While reading the first article, I often found myself thinking about other things and skimming the article. It was very lengthy and honestly I found myself re-reading sections because I was not paying enough attention while skimming. It wasn’t until the second article that I realized they were describing EXACTLY what I was doing. Although I loathe reading long, multi-page articles online, I find it a lot easier to read lengthy text from an actual book. Even though social media has definitely shaped the way I read and how much I read, I still love a good book every now and then.

But, with this in mind, the internet has completely taken over my life. Everyday I am absorbed into the various social media sites and spend multiple hours a day scrolling through posts from friends and watching videos from people that I have never met. I think the internet is rapidly changing to meet the demands and needs of the people using it — which is basically everyone. Obviously I know that not EVERYONE has used the internet, but of the billions of people on Earth, if I had to guess, I would say that 85% of people have had access and utilized the internet at some point in their life.

I honestly have a love-hate relationship with the internet. I love that I can connect with people from far away and keep up to date on my friends and family’s life. At the same time, the internet is a scary place. There are so many apps and websites that can give strangers access to your most personal information and put you at risk. While the internet is a wonderful place for gifs, memes, and the best funny cat videos, users also need to realize how serious and damaging the internet can be.

